
1. Gaman G., Boţan C. N. (2011), Municipiul Moineşti. Ghid turistic. Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, ISBN: 978-973-595-344-7 |full text|.

2. Gaman G. (2019),Turism și dezvoltare policentrică. Studiu de caz: Moinești, Târgu Ocna și Slănic Moldova. Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, ISBN: 978-606-37-0541-0 |full text|.



1. Gaman G. (2013), Direcţii strategice de dezvoltare a fenomenului turistic din Municipiul Moineşti. In volumul lucrărilor Conferinţei Naţionale „Geografia- ştiinţă a întregului teritorial”, Timişoara, ISSN: 2343-8495, Editura Eurobit |full text|.

2. Gaman G. (2013), Propuneri de dezvoltare a fenomenului turistic din Municipiul Moineşti, prin îmbunătăţirea ofertei curative şi diversificarea ofertei turistice generale. în “GEIS- Referate şi comunicări de geografie”, vol. XVII, ISSN: 1841-9941, Editura Casei Corpului Didactic Deva |full text|.

3. Gaman G. (2014), Air and water - indispensable elements of curative tourism. Case study: Moineşti, Târgu Ocna, Slănic Moldova. Air and Water - Components of the environment, ISSN: 2067-743X, pp. 469 - 476 |full text|.

4. Gaman G. (2014), From tourism to industry and again tourism. Case study: Moineşti City, Romania. Conference proceedings BITCO - Thematic Tourism in a Global Environment: Advantages Challenges and Future Developments ISBN: 978-86-82371-66-3 |full text|.

5. Gaman G. (2014), Assessment model of tourism potential value from Moineşti, Târgu Ocna, Slănic Moldova. Geographica Timisiensis, vol. 24, no. 1, ISSN: 1224-0079 |full text|.

6. Gaman G. (2014), Transport Accessibility as Factor for the Development of Tourist Accommodation. The case of health resorts in Romania. Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning, vol. 5, no. 2, 2014, pp. 127-138, ISSN: 2248-2499 |full text|.

7. Gaman G., Nistoreanu P. (2015), The stimulating offer of rural tourism in Buda village, Berzunți County; Possibilities of (re)adaptation regarding the modern tourist preferences. Analele Universității din Oradea, Seria Geografie, ISSN 1221-1273, vol. 25, no.1, pp. 46-58 |full text|.

8. Răcășan Bianca, Potra Alexandra, Gaman G. (2015), Assessment model of tourism potential value from rural-mountain and boundary contact areas. Case study: Cluj county, The District of Ciceu and the balneal area of Bacău county. Journal of Environmental & Tourism Analyses, ISSN: 2286-3745 |full text|.

9. Răcășan Bianca, Gaman G. (2015), Tourist image of Romania reviewed by international travel guides. Comparative study: English, French and German Editions. Revista de Turism, n0. 19, pp. 60-73 |full text|.

10. Gaman G., Răcăşan Bianca, Potra Alexandra (2015), Tourism and Polycentric Development in urban and rural areas. Case study: Triple-pole proposals in Bacău and Cluj Counties (Romania). Conference Proceedings, ISSN: 2241-9314/ISBN 978-618-81503-0-0, International Conference IATOUR- FROM TOURISM POLICY INTO PRACTICE, London, pp. 139-153 |full text|.

11. Gaman G., Răcăşan Bianca (2016), Transport Accessibility as Factor for the Development of Tourist Flow Augmentation. Case study: The Romanian Health Resorts. Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning, ISSN: 2248-2499, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 65-77 |full text|.

12. Gaman G., Răcășan Bianca (2016), The Tourism Development Strategy of North-East Region of Romania. Myth or reality? Romanian Review of Regional Studies, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 121-134 |full text|.

13. Gaman G. (2016), Changes of Tourists’ Motivations and Preferences towards Health Tourism Services. Case Study: The Potential Tourism Cluster Moineşti-Târgu Ocna-Slănic Moldova. Cactus Journal of Tourism, vol. 2, pp. 33-44, ISSN: 2247-3297 |full text|.

14. Gaman G., Răcăşan Bianca, Potra Alexandra (2017), Tourism and polycentric development based on health and recreational tourism supply. GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, vol. 19, no. 1, p. 35-49, ISSN: 2065-0817 |full text|.

15. Hognogi Gh., Pop Ana-Maria, Alexandru Diana-Elena, Gaman G. (2019), Recovery of watermills in the land of Haţeg (România) through the mapping of old cartographic materials. Transylvanian Review, vol. XXVIII, Supliment no. 2 |full text|.